Although women have struggled endlessly to eradicate bias against the feminine gender, gender discrimination continues to be the order of the day. In our patrichial societies, nothing done by a woman seems right to the humane. Every failed marriage is blamed on the woman whom according to the society is: impatient, money minded, flirtatious andContinue reading “SOCIETY’S JUDGEMENT ON DIVORCED PERSONS”

Women As Barriers To Their Sex With Regards To Politics

The primary pest a woman must deal with to exceed in politics is a woman’s unwillingness to support females in politics. How women perceive women in politics Having being brain washed by: custodians of cultures, opinion leaders and agenda setters, women grow regarding politics, a “men’s” affair. Unlike men, women who adventure into politics witnessContinue reading “Women As Barriers To Their Sex With Regards To Politics”

Gender Bais in Politics

Women for ages have been given very limited chances and encouragement to partake in politics. Limited women in politics This gap in the pilitical arena has developed over years such that, few females are interested in politics because, women grow knowing politics as a “men affair”. According to report, from United Nations Debvelopment Program (2020)Continue reading “Gender Bais in Politics”

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